Remembering the Ballistic Missile Threat of 2018

Christopher Derige Malano
2 min readJan 13, 2021

Our devices blared alerts to seek immediate shelter. We had nowhere safe to go and only about 20 minutes before impact. Our lives flashed before our eyes thinking that we were about to cross the threshold of death’s door.

It’s already been several years now, but I am still haunted by the events that took place in Hawaii 3 years ago today. As I was leading a retreat for high school students preparing for their church sacraments, I stood for a few seconds in shock as I read “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT” and “THIS IS NOT A DRILL” in the same sentence. Just days before there was reports in the media about North Korea’s nuclear capability and testing.

I don’t often think back to that frightening morning, but when I do, as I just did this morning, it feels as if I were there again. Unaware that it is happening to me, my hands became clammy and my heart beats faster my breathing becomes shallower. The trauma of that false alert still brings tears to my eyes. I try not to think of it, but on a day like this, it’s almost impossible not to.

The students were afraid and crying, separated from their parents. Parishioner volunteers and I were so concerned for their safety, I didn’t even think to call my own family to say goodbye and that I loved them. Anxiety, nervousness, and emotions were high in those moments, and with nothing else we could do, we turned to the only thing that we were sure of — our faith.

To help me process what happened, I wrote a reflection several hours after the event. It was published by America Magazine — The Jesuit Review​. As I am now in seminary for formation with the Paulist Fathers​, I hope this moment in my life will shape me into a pastoral minister that helps others find Grace and healing in theirs.

To read my reflection, go to:

Screenshot of my phone on January 13, 2018

#BallisticMissileThreat #ThisIsNotADrill #MissileThreat2018 #MissileThreat #Hawaii #NorthKorea #NuclearWeapons #NuclearWar #Peace



Christopher Derige Malano

Seminarian, youth leadership advocate, empowerment of the laity, & co-editor of “God’s Quad: Small Faith Communities on Campus and Beyond” (Orbis Books, 2018).